metadata type of 3 products
EO3 for Sentinel 2 ARD

Searchable Fields 🔗

cloud_cover double The proportion (from 0 to 100) of the dataset's valid data area that contains cloud pixels. For these ARD products, this value comes from the Fmask algorithm.
lat double-range Latitude range
lon double-range Longitude range
region_code string Spatial reference code from the provider. For Sentinel it is MGRS code.
s2cloudless_clear double The proportion (from 0 to 100) of the dataset's valid data area that contains clear land pixels according to s3cloudless
s2cloudless_cloud double The proportion (from 0 to 100) of the dataset's valid data area that contains cloud land pixels according to s3cloudless
time datetime-range Acquisition time range

Additional Fields 🔗

creation_time datetime Time when dataset was created (processed)
crs_raw string The raw CRS string as it appears in metadata (e.g. ‘epsg:32654’)
dataset_maturity string One of - final|interim|nrt (near real time)
dataset_type_id string ID of a dataset type
eo_gsd double Ground sampling distance of the sensor’s best resolution band in metres; represents the size (or spatial resolution) of one pixel.
eo_sun_azimuth double The azimuth angle of the sun at the moment of acquisition, in degree units measured clockwise from due north
eo_sun_elevation double The elevation angle of the sun at the moment of acquisition, in degree units relative to the horizon.
fmask_clear double The proportion (from 0 to 100) of the dataset's valid data area that contains clear land pixels according to the Fmask algorithm
fmask_cloud_shadow double The proportion (from 0 to 100) of the dataset's valid data area that contains cloud shadow pixels according to the Fmask algorithm
fmask_snow double The proportion (from 0 to 100) of the dataset's valid data area that contains clear snow pixels according to the Fmask algorithm
fmask_water double The proportion (from 0 to 100) of the dataset's valid data area that contains clear water pixels according to the Fmask algorithm
format string File format (GeoTiff, NetCDF)
gqa_abs_iterative_mean_x double Mean of the absolute values of the x-axis (east-to-west) GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_abs_iterative_mean_xy double Mean of the absolute values of the GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_abs_iterative_mean_y double Mean of the absolute values of the y-axis (north-to-south) GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_abs_x double Absolute value of the x-axis (east-to-west) GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_abs_xy double Absolute value of the total GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_abs_y double Absolute value of the y-axis (north-to-south) GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_cep90 double Circular error probable (90%) of the values of the GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_iterative_mean_x double Mean of the values of the x-axis (east-to-west) GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_iterative_mean_xy double Mean of the values of the GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_iterative_mean_y double Mean of the values of the y-axis (north-to-south) GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_iterative_stddev_x double Standard Deviation of the values of the x-axis (east-to-west) GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_iterative_stddev_xy double Standard Deviation of the values of the GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_iterative_stddev_y double Standard Deviation of the values of the y-axis (north-to-south) GCP residuals after removal of outliers, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_mean_x double Mean of the values of the x-axis (east-to-west) GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_mean_xy double Mean of the values of the GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_mean_y double Mean of the values of the y-axis (north-to-south) GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_stddev_x double Standard Deviation of the values of the x-axis (east-to-west) GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_stddev_xy double Standard Deviation of the values of the GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
gqa_stddev_y double Standard Deviation of the values of the y-axis (north-to-south) GCP residuals, in pixel units based on a 25 metre resolution reference image (i.e. 0.2 = 5 metres)
id string Dataset UUID
indexed_by string User who indexed the dataset
indexed_time string When dataset was indexed
instrument string Instrument name
label string Label
metadata_doc string Full metadata document
metadata_type string Metadata type name of dataset
metadata_type_id string ID of a metadata type
platform string Platform code
product string Product name
product_family string Product family code
sentinel_datastrip_id string Unique identifier for a datastrip relative to a given Datatake. (e.g. ‘S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_DS_SGS__20161214T040601_S20161214T005840_N02.04’)
sentinel_product_name string ESA product URI, with the '.SAFE' ending removed. (e.g. 'S2A_MSIL1C_20220303T000731_N0400_R073_T56LNM_20220303T012845')
sentinel_tile_id string Granule ID according to the ESA naming convention (e.g. ‘S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20161214T040601_A007721_T53KRB_N02.04’)
uri string Dataset URI

Definition 🔗